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Monday, May 14, 2012

still working on it..

so as you can probably tell i am still working on this whole "blogger" thing. i haven't kept up and basically post on days when i am feeling unusually inspired.

this has gotta change!
although i'm not making any promises yet, i really plan on stepping up my game. see, i actually am in the process of starting my very own Etsy shop. its def not anywhere near up and running yet, but i have started creating and collecting items for my inventory.

and so i thought, what better way to keep me motivated than to start blogging about starting my etsy shop! and hopefully i can get some tips, friends, followers, and learn from this as i go!

so, wish me luck! i WILL be back tomorrow


Thursday, February 16, 2012

what i wore: this rainy day!

my first attempt at a what i wore post, here it goes:

this sweater was an awesome thrift find at $4 with a Coldwater Creek scarf, and PacSun skinnys

 paired with my toms which i adoreee <3

and some of my granny's old jewlery. can't resist!

thats all for my rainy day outfit. comfy, warm, but i can still pull off running out for dr.pepper and a redbox.

goodnight bloggers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

my top 5 most frequented websites

i am going to make a list of my top five favorite web pages and explain why

1. facebook: i hate to admit that, but it is probably the first page i check when on my comp, phone, etc. keeps me in touch and distracts me when i am bored. i mean who doesn't wanna creep on people you went to elemenatry school with.

2. stumbleupon: honestly i don't know where i would be without stumble. you can spend hours, days, or weeks on this website. the best part is whatever you find you can like to add to your favs so you can always go back to it.

3. tfln: if i am on the go, in class, driving, in a waiting room, etc. chances are you will see me laughing at tfln on my iphone. a great laugh in the middle of the day. plus it is updated frequently so you can always read something new.

4. youtube: i love youtube. a fair warning though, this is also a site you could get sucked into for hours.

5. postsecret: i check post secret weekly to see the new postcards. they are only updated on sundays so i can only check once a week. even still, i am always eager on sunday mornings to see what that days secrets will be.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

80 journal entries

recently i was stumbling on one of my all time favorite websites when i found a website that had an article called 80 journal entries. basically this guy came up with 80 prompts to write on. i began reading them and i found them quite inspiring annndd the perfect way to get myself used to writing everyday again. so starting tomorrow i will be writing one of the 80 journal entries a day.

get excitedd! (:

here is the page where i found these 80 journal writing prompts

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

busy, busy, busy

so i'm not really sure how this whole updating thing works. everyday? every week? i think for now i'm going to update just whenever i can.

lately i have just been working a lot and going to school. i am working about 30 hours a week and taking 18 credit hours at school. its definitely keeping me busy. luckily, i still managed to clear out my schedule for this past weekend for a surprise going away party for emily.

my mom pretty much figured out all the details and i just had to keep it under wraps for em. the best part was all of her good friends showing up to surprise her. since graduation they have barely seen each other and i know it meant a lot for her to be able to see them before she left.

besides emily's awesome party, my best friend heather came up from my old school this weekend to visit. it was perfect timing because i was feeling a little bummed since em's departure date is getting so close! we had a great weekend just goofing off and hanging with the fam.

in other news, my other best friend, casey and i are trying to plan a spring break trip. its kinda last minute, but we are thinking a cruise? any thoughts or advice? we are pretty excited!

ta-ta for now

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

so here it goes

today is the day that i finally have joined the world of bloggers. i honestly can say that i never thought that i would succumb to my urge to blog, but alas, here i am. my sister, emily has joined the peace corps and as a result has become an avid blogger. which is the main reason i have become curious about blogging myself. needless to say i have spent close to four hours now working on my layout and putting off writing my first post because i wasn't sure what i would write.

there isn't much to say about me. i'm a full time student studying graphic design and working as a waitress in my spare time. i live with my sister, who happens to be my best friend as well. as i mentioned earlier she is joining the peace corps. so she will be leaving on march 8 for kazakhstan (yikes, it's getting close!). i'm super excited for her because it will be an amazing experience...i just wish she could pack me in her suitcase.

between school, work, and hanging with emily the rest of my time is pretty much spent with my boyfriend, kenny. today is two months now that we have been dating. and although two months is not a very long period of time, i'm not ashamed to brag about it. besides being incredibly handsome, he has the biggest heart and can always make me laugh. but enough of the mushy gushy.

i am currently snowed in at my condo with emily and we have literally done nothing all night. i am about to go put my pjs on inside out, throw some ice cubes in the toilet, do the snow dance, and pray that classes get cancelled for tomorrow. lets keep our fingers crossed.